Thursday, October 21, 2010

Study tips for Group - I Main Examination

After you have formulated a balanced strategy for the Main exam, it’s time to get down to the business of preparation. You may face some difficulties while trying to seriously prepare for the exam. But never lose your cool and keep on moving. Our articles on time and stress management will definitely help you. In this article, we will give you some general study tips which will enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your preparation. Apply these tips and see the difference.

  1. While studying anything, highlight the important portions. This saves a lot of time and energy when you go for revision.

  2. Whatever you highlight must be comprehensive.

  3. For any particular topic, select one (two in exceptional cases) authentic source. Avoid consulting multiple books, study materials etc. as it may confuse you.

  4. You must understand what you read. This is the simplest way of memorising things.

  5. Wherever possible, jot down the important points of a topic. This way, you can revise it very quickly in case you face time crunch.

  6. Use mnemonics. They are really helpful.

  7. When you prepare a topic, keep previous year’s questions from the topic handy. Referring to those questions will make your preparation more sharp and precise.

  8. Revise the topic you have read as soon as possible.

  9. Practise answer writing to improve your writing skills and speed.

1 comment:

  1. can u also please post some tips on how to write and how much to write in answers for a 10 marker?
