Sunday, January 21, 2024
Wednesday, January 10, 2024
Thursday, January 4, 2024
Tuesday, January 2, 2024
Sunday, December 31, 2023
Saturday, December 30, 2023
Monday, December 25, 2023
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
National Programme for Dairy Development
Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Government of India is implementing “National Programme for Dairy Development (NPDD)” scheme across the country since Feb-2014 with an objective of creating/strengthening of infrastructure for Production of quality milk, Procurement, Processing and Marketing of Milk & Milk Products. The scheme has been restructured/realigned in July 2021 for implementation from 2021-22 to 2025-26 with a total budgetary allocation of Rs.1790 crore having two components:
Component 'A' focuses towards creating/strengthening of infrastructure for quality milk testing equipment as well as primary chilling facilities.
Component 'B' (Dairying through Cooperatives) aims to increase sales of milk and milk products, upgrading dairy processing facilities and marketing infrastructure and enhancing the capacity of producer-owned institutions.
An amount of Rs.345.93 crore has been allocated (Budgetary Estimate) under both Component 'A' and Component 'B' (Dairying through Cooperatives) of the scheme during 2023-24.
The details of achievements made under NPDD scheme is as under;
- Under Component A of the scheme, 195 projects in 30 States/UTs have been approved with the total outlay of Rs. 3311.10 crore (including Central Share Rs.2479.06 crore). A total amount of Rs.1824.60 crore has been released to States for the implementation of these projects against which Rs. 1429.62 crore has been utilized.
- Under Component B of the scheme, 22 projects in 8 States have been approved with a total outlay of Rs.1130.63 crore. A total amount of Rs.84.02 crore has been released to National Dairy Development Board for the implementation of the projects.
- About 16,794 dairy cooperative societies have been organized/revived, 30,066 Automatic Milk Collection Unit have been installed and about 82 dairy plants have been strengthened with creation of 24.00 lakh litres per day additional/new milk processing capacity under the scheme.
National Food Security Mission
The year 2023 has been declared the International Year of Millets (IYoM) by the United Nations on the proposal initiated by the Government of India. The Government is celebrating the International Year of Millets to make it a people’s movement so that value-added products are accepted globally. Both the Central and State Governments have taken numerous steps for promoting millets (Shree Anna). The action plan of IYoM 2023 focuses on a strategy to enhance production, productivity, consumption, export, strengthening the value chains, branding and also creating awareness for health benefits etc.
To increase the production of Nutri Cereals for meeting their enhanced demand, the Central Government is implementing the National Food Security Mission - Nutri Cereals (NFSM-Nutri Cereals). The interventions covered under NFSM-Nutri Cereals include cluster front line demonstrations on improved package of practices, seed distribution & micronutrients, biofertilizers, production of certified seeds of High Yielding Varieties, plant protection chemicals, weedicides, sprayer, efficient water application tools, cropping system based training. Seed Hubs for millets have also been set up. Further interventions include breeder seed production, production of certified seeds, distribution of seed mini kits (HYVs) etc. Further, States such as Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar have initiated Millet Missions in the States to promote millets.
The Government also incentivizes farmers to increase the production and productivity of millets through Rashtriya Krishi VikasYojana. It has also fixed the MSP for major millets to ensure that farmers get remunerative prices.
To increase the production of millets based products, a Productivity Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme has been notified by the Ministry of Food Processing Industries in June 2022. Millets are also included under the Poshan Abhiyan of the Ministry of Women and Child Development. Further, the Ministry of Food and Public Distribution has revised its guidelines to increase the procurement of millets under the Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS), Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) and Mid-Day Meal. The Ministry has also advised the State Governments and Union Territories to increase the procurement of millets.
Due to the above efforts of both the Central and State Governments, there has been an increased awareness about health benefits and enhanced demand for millets. The Government is committed to ensure remunerative prices to farmers so that the production and supply increase and keep the prices moderated.
Monday, December 4, 2023
Air Quality Index
A Commission has been constituted under the Commission for Air Quality Management in NCR and Adjoining Areas Act, 2021 up in accordance with the notification dated 23rd April, 2021 towards better coordination, research, identification and resolution of problems surrounding the air quality index in NCR and adjoining areas and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
The commission for Air Quality Management in NCR & Adjoining Areas (CAQM), since its inception in 2021, undertakes action for the prevention and control of Air pollution in Delhi-NCR & Adjoining Areas which impacts the air quality of the NCT Delhi. The Commission adopting an air-shed like approach has issued a comprehensive policy to curb Air pollution NCR in July 2022 by constituting an expert group. The policy has sector-wise action plan for prevention and control of air pollution in the region by various sectors contributing to air pollution. The Commission has also issued statutory directions and advisories for control of air pollution in NCR from time to time. Since inception the Commission has so far issued 78 directions and 11 advisories, besides executive orders to various agencies concerned in the NCR including State Governments of Punjab, GNCTD, and various bodies of the Central and State Governments in the region. Due to these concerted efforts general improvements in the AQI level has been witnessed in the region.
Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) was formulated for Delhi-NCR to tackle the issue of sudden rise in air pollution levels which was notified by MoEF&CC in January 2017 on recommendation of Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) for implementation. A comprehensive review of actions listed under GRAP was carried out by CPCB in 2020 based on actions taken and improvement observed in air quality in recent years. Based on the inputs given by CPCB, the revised GRAP was published by CAQM and further directions were issued for its implementation.
Steps taken for control of air pollution are as following:
1. The CAQM has deputed 40 teams of CPCB officers since December 2021, for conducting incognito inspections of air polluting industries, C&D sites, DG sets in Delhi-NCR to check implementation status of pollution control measures and compliance of other provisions of the Air (P&CP) Act, 1981. A total of 16037units/entities/ projects have been inspected as on November 24, 2023. Based on these inspections, CAQM has issued Closure Directions in 899 cases and out of these resumption orders have been issued in 708 cases while 132 cases are still under closure and cases of 59 balance units have been transferred to State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) / Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) for final decision.
2. CPCB has come out with System and Procedure for Emission Compliance Testing of Retro-fit Emission Control Devices (RECD) for Diesel Power Generating Set Engines up to Gross Mechanical Power 800 kW. RECDs have been developed for DG sets of 209-799 kW capacity and installation of RECDs is in progress in Delhi-NCR. In order to control DG set emissions, CPCB is also funding retrofitment/ upgradation of DG sets in Govt. hospitals in Delhi-NCR and guidelines have been issued in this regard. Under the said guidelines, 100 % funding support is provided for RECD and dual fuel kit installation while 40% funding support is provided for procurement of new gas based Generator sets.
3. CPCB has issued guidelines/ mechanism for use of anti-smog guns in Construction and Demolition projects. Also, CPCB has published guidelines for dust mitigation measures in handling construction materials and C&D waste.
4. CPCB has framed guidelines for promoting setting up of paddy straw based pelletization and torrefaction plants wherein one-time financial assistance is provided to individual entities/entrepreneurs/ companies for setting up of such plants.A corpus of Rs. 50 crores has been earmarked for utilisation through the guidelines. A total of 10 plants (1 in principle) have been sanctioned so far: 8 in Punjab, 1 in Haryana and 1 in UP.
5. CPCB has also issued an addendum under which one-time financial assistance is provided to Municipal Corporations, Municipal Councils and ZillaParishads of the states of Punjab, Haryana, NCT of Delhi and NCR districts of Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan, for establishing paddy straw based briquetting plants for use of briquettes for cremation purpose only.
6. Installation of VRS system at 3256 petrol pumps in Delhi-NCR in compliance with orders of Hon’ble Supreme Court and Hon’ble NGT.
7. Trial study of various new technologies for control of air pollution have been got conducted by CPCB out of which encouraging results were observed in case of Dust Suppressant for control of emissions at construction sites and road dust. Advisory have been issued for use of dust suppressant by road owning and construction agencies in Delhi-NCR.
Mera Bill Mera Adhikaar scheme
The government launched the 'mera bill mera adhikaar' scheme to promote invoice usage and offer incentives to consumers.

Friday, November 10, 2023
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Schemes for Welfare of Women
The Government is implementing several schemes/programmes for welfare, rehabilitation; empowerment, education and providing employment to destitute women which inter-alia include the following:
SwadharGreh Scheme
- The Scheme caters to primary needs of women in difficult circumstances – women and girls rendered homeless due to family discord, crime, violence, mental stress, social ostracism or are being forced into prostitution and are in moral danger.
- The scheme through the provisions of shelter, food, clothing, counselling, training, clinical and legal aid aims to rehabilitate such women in difficult circumstance economically and emotionally.
- Under SwadharGreh Scheme vocational and skill upgradation training is provided for economic rehabilitation of women.
Home for Widows
- A Home for widows has been set up in Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh with a capacity of 1,000 inmates to provide widows a safe and secure place of stay, health services, nutritious food, legal and counselling services.
One Stop Centres (OSCs)
- Popularly known as Sakhi Centres, aim to facilitate women affected by violence (including domestic violence) with a range of integrated services under one roof such as Police facilitation, medical aid, legal aid and legal counselling, psycho-social counselling, temporary shelter, etc.
Women Helpline (WHL) Scheme
- It provides 24 hours emergency and non-emergency response to women affected by violence, both in public and private spaces by linking them with appropriate authority such as Police, One Stop Centre, Hospital, Legal Services, etc.
- WHL also supports women in distress with rescue van and counselling services in addition to providing information about women welfare schemes and programs across the country.
- Women can dial 181 short code to avail services from Women Helpline.
Hub for Empowerment of Women (HEW)
- For increasing awareness about schemes of the Ministry and other measures undertaken by the Government for welfare and development of women, National, State and District Level Hubs for Empowerment of Women (HEW) have been approved under the new Mission Shakti, with the aim to facilitate inter-sectoral convergence of schemes and programs meant for women at different levels with the mandate to create an environment in which women realize their full potential.
- The support under the HEW component is available for guiding, linking and hand holding women to various institutional and schematic set-up for their empowerment and development including equal access to healthcare, quality education, career and vocational counselling/training, financial inclusion, entrepreneurship, backward and forward linkages, health and safety for workers, social security and digital literacy at various levels across the country.
Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme
- Under this scheme, widow pension is provided to the widows belonging to Below Poverty Line (BPL) households.
- This is a sub-scheme under National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) of Ministry of Rural Development. Under the scheme, central assistance @ Rs. 300/- per month is provided to widows in the age group of 40-79 years and the pension amount is enhanced to Rs 500/- per month on attaining 80 years.
National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP)
- The National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) is a fully funded Centrally Sponsored Scheme targeting the destitute to be identified by the States and UTs with the objective of providing a basic level of financial support.
- Under NSAP, central assistance of Rs. 200 – 300/- is provided in pension to senior citizens (60 years and above), widows (40-79 years) and to disabled persons.
Ayushman Bharat Programme
- In alignment with the goals under National Health Policy (NHP) 2017, the Government announced the ambitious and holistic Ayushman Bharat Programme with its twin pillars of Health and Wellness Centres and the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY) in September 2018.
- Under Jan Aarogya Yojana, coverage is provided to poor and vulnerable families. This is likely to help improve women’s access to health care services.
Stand Up India
- Government of India launched the Stand Up India scheme on 5th April 2016 to promote entrepreneurship amongst women, SC and ST categories, i.e., those sections of the population understood to be facing significant hurdles due to lack of advice/ mentorship as well as inadequate and delayed credit.
- The Scheme facilitates bank loans between Rs. 10 lakh to Rs. 1 crore to at least one scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe borrower and at least one woman borrower per bank branch of Scheduled Commercial Banks for setting up Greenfield enterprises in trading, manufacturing and services sector.
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendras
- Government has set up the PradhanMantri Kaushal Kendras under the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana across the country.
- Emphasis has been laid on creating additional infrastructure both for training and apprenticeship for women, flexible training delivery mechanisms such as mobile training units, flexible afternoon batches along with local need-based training to accommodate women and ensuring safe and gender sensitive training environment of women trainers, equity in remuneration and complaint redressal mechanism.
- The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 (MGNREGA) seeks to ensure employment in rural households, mandating that at least one third of the jobs generated should be given to women.
- The MGNREGA Guidelines have also made special provisions to encourage the participation of women, including giving preference to women (especially single women) and older persons for work on worksites nearer to their residences, child care facilities at the worksite in case more than five children under 6 years of age are present, adequate representation of women in the MGNREGS staff, ensuring that widows, deserted women and destitute women are provided 100 days of work, awareness and outreach activities to ensure that all wage seekers (including women) are able to handle bank procedures, treating pregnant and lactating mothers as a special category and provision of suitable work for them, etc.
Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan
- Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan (PM-SYM) has been launched to ensure old age protection for Unorganised Workers who are not covered by any other pension scheme.
- The unorganised workers including women, are ones engaged as home-based workers, street vendors, mid-day meal workers, head loaders, brick kiln workers, cobblers, rag pickers, domestic workers, washer men, rickshaw pullers, landless labourers, agricultural workers, construction workers, beedi workers, handloom workers, leather workers, audio-visual workers and similar other occupation whose monthly income is Rs 15,000/ per month or less and belong to the entry age group of 18-40 years.
Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana
- Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMVY) has been initiated by Government, inter alia, for facilitation self-employment. Under PMMVY, collateral free loans upto Rs. 10 lakh are extended to micro/small business enterprises and to individuals to enable them to setup or expand their business activities. Majority of the beneficiaries under this yojna are women.
Prime Minister Awaas Yojana
- PMAY-Grameen scheme aims to provide ‘Housing for All’ through provision of pucca house with basic amenities to all houseless households and households living in kutcha and dilapidated house in rural areas by 2022. This will also benefit the neglected, abandoned and destitute widows.
- Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana (Urban) is a Scheme with a vision for facilitating Housing for All by 2022 started from 17.06.2015. Under this scheme, central assistance is provided to States/UTs in addressing the housing requirement of Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) including slum dwellers in the urban areas. However, under Credit linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS) component of the Mission, LIG, MIG I & MIG II segments are also covered.
- Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihood Mission (DAY-NULM) is implemented in statutory towns to reduce poverty and vulnerability of urban poor households, for improvement in their livelihoods on a sustainable basis.
- The mission provides for broadening of coverage to include families of disadvantaged groups like SCs, STs, Women, Minorities, disabled etc. subject to maximum of 25 percent of the above urban poor population.
Atal Pension Yojana (APY)
- This scheme is implemented with an objective to create a universal social security system for all Indians, especially the poor, the under privileged and workers in the unorganized sector.
- The scheme is open to all citizens of India between 18-40 years of age having a saving bank account in a bank or post office.
Integrated Programme for Older Persons
- The objective of the Scheme is to improve the quality of life of the Senior Citizens, including women, by providing basic amenities like shelter, food, medical care and entertainment opportunities and by encouraging productive and active ageing through providing support for capacity building of State/UT Governments/Non-Governmental Organizations/ Panchayati Raj Institutions/ local bodies and the community at large.
Scheme for Development of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs)
- There are certain groups among Scheduled Tribes which have declining or stagnant population, low level of literacy, pre-agricultural level of technology and are economically backward.
- These groups are among the most vulnerable sections of our society as they are few in numbers, have not attained any significant level of social and economic development and generally inhabit remote localities having poor infrastructure and administrative support.
- 75 such groups in 18 States and one UT have been identified and categorized as Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs). In 1998-99, a separate 100% Centrally Sponsored for exclusive development of PVTGs was started. Based on the knowledge and experiences gathered in implementation of the scheme, it has been revised with effect from 17.09.2019 to make it more effective.
National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS)
- The Ministry of Rural Development Implements National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS) under which monetary grant of Rs. 20,000 is given as lump sum assistance to the bereaved household in the event of death of the bread-winner.
Annapurna Scheme
- Under Annapurna Scheme of the Ministry of Rural Development, 10 kg of food grain is given to those eligible aged persons who have remained uncovered under the Indira Ghandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS).
Nari Arthik Sashaktikaran Yojana
- The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment implements Nari Arthik Sashaktikaran Yojana to support Scheduled Castes, Single Women/Widows to take up income generating activities.
Assistance for Vocational Training of Widows of Ex-Servicemen
- The Ministry of Defense provides financial assistance for vocational training of widows of ex-servicemen, treatment of serious diseases of non-pensioner ex-servicemen/widows and daughter’s marriage/widows’ remarriage.