Wednesday, November 14, 2012
President inaugurates the 32nd India International Trade Fair (IITF) 2012
The President of India Pranab Mukherjee inaugurated the 32nd edition of the India International Trade Fair on 14.11.2012 at Pragati Maidan New Delhi. Addressing the function, the President said the fair has been an excellent platform for micro, small and micro enterprises (MSMEs) to showcase their products and penetrate both domestic and international markets at attractive prices. President stressed that MSMEs are a source of rural empowerment, which is one of the key objectives of Government’s agenda of inclusive growth.
The President was happy to note that the theme of the IITF this year is “Skilling India”. He stated that skill building is an integral part of a nation’s economic progress. He said ITPO has done commendable work in bringing all stakeholders together to share their experience at this important event.
At the 32nd IITF, the focus state and country are Andaman Nicobar Islands and South Africa respectively. The partner state and the country are Uttarakhand and the Republic of Belarus respectively. Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Belarus, China, Cuba, Iran, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, South Africa and Thailand have set up their “National Pavilion” at this Trade Fair; and about 480 overseas exhibitors from 22 countries are participating in the event.
Krishna Tirath inaugurates Vatsalya Mela
Krishna Tirath, Minister of State (I/C), Ministry of
Women and Child Development (WCD) inaugurated the Vatsalya
Mela at Dilli Haat.
Tirath said that the Vatsalya Mela is
celebrated every year since the last six years to sensitise
the people and spread awareness and information about the various schemes of
the Ministry taken up for the development of women and children. At the Mela various stalls have been set up to explain in detail
the various facets of the schemes of the WCD Ministry and how the benefits can
be availed. Halls providing information on the ICDS, SABLA, IGMSY, and the
activities of various organizations associated with it such as CARA, NIPCCD,
NCW, NCPCR, CSWB, NMEW, RMK etc have been set up at the Mela.
Various NGOs and organizations such as UN Women, UNDP, UNESCO and Nehru Yuva Kendra have come together with this initiative of the
M/o WCD to spread awareness about the issues related to empowerment of women
and growth and development of the children, the Minister informed.
WCD Minister also stated that the Ministry has framed legislation such as the
Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses Act 2012 in recognition of the
needs of the society to fight the growing crime against children in the
domestic and other settings. The rules have been notified from today with which
the Act comes into force, she said. She also noted that the Protection of Women
from Harassment at Workplace Bill has been passed by the Lok
Sabha and will be introduced in the Rajya Sabha in the next session.
Amendments are also being brought to the Juvenile Justice Act which will make
it more strong, she stated. These also reflect the
demand of the society to deal with crimes against women and children, she
6 day Vatslya Mela,
Smt. Tirath said is inaugurated to mark the birth
anniversary of Pandit Nehru, 14th
November, which is also celebrated as Children’s Day. Its closing ceremony on
19th November which marks the birth anniversary of the first woman
Prime Minister of the country, Smt. Indira Gandhi shall
be celebrated as ‘Shakti Diwas’ , the Minister noted.
India tops world diabetes sufferers list
There are now more people living with diabetes in Asia
than elsewhere and India is among the list of top five countries with
the most diabetes sufferers in 2009, organisers of World Diabetes Day
have said quoting World Health Organisation (WHO) figures.
to them, more than 347 million people suffer from diabetes worldwide.
Since diabetes can be silent and symptoms can easily go unnoticed, early
detection and good management can prevent complications.
Diabetes Foundation indicates that the top five countries with the most
diabetes sufferers in 2009 were: India 50.8 million, China 43.1
million, USA 26.8 million, Russia 9.6 million and Brazil 7.6 million.
is predicted that the number of adults affected by diabetes will almost
double from 32.6 million to 51.7 million in 2030 in the Middle East and
North Africa (MENA) region.
World Diabetes Day
raises global awareness of diabetes, its escalating rates around the
world and how to prevent the illness and how it is managed.
by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the WHO, it is
celebrated on November 14 to mark the birthday of Frederick Banting who,
along with Charles Best, was instrumental in the discovery of insulin
in 1922, a life-saving treatment for diabetes patients.
effects of diabetes can include blindness, gangrene, renal failure and
heart disease. Globally diabetes is consuming an ever greater portion of
medical costs, accounting for approximately 10 per cent of all health
care spending according to the journal Diabetes Research and Clinical
Practice in 2010.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Barack Obama won the U.S. Presidential Elections 2012
Barack Obama, the leader of Democratic Party on 7 November 2012 was re-elected as the President of USA. Obama defeated the Republican Challenger, Mitt Romney in the U.S. Presidential Elections 2012 by winning over 332 votes as compared to the 206 votes of Mitt Romney of all the votes declared by the Electoral College declared. Obama was successful in getting around 74000 more votes than the competitor, Mitt Romney out of the eight million votes casted during the Presidential Elections.
The elections were conducted on 6th November 2012 and this was the 57th quadrennial presidential election for the United States. The two, Obama and Romney won 50 percent and 48.1 percent of votes respectively. 53 members in the Senate were from Democratic Party, whereas 45 are from Republican Party. In the House of Representatives, the lead went in the way of Republican Party with 232 seats and the Democratic Party was successful in securing 191 seats. Mitt Romney tied with the President Obama at 49 percent of the Popular Votes.
The Republican Party has lost four Presidential elections of the six Presidential contests and the two won by them was just with narrow margins. At the same time, President Obama, by being back has proved that in the period of austerity and crisis also, an incumbent can survive.
Swing States
President Obama was successful in winning over the eight of the nine swing states including Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Virginia, Colorado and Nevada. He only lost from the seat of North Carolina.
Ami Bera- the third Indian-American in the U.S. House of Representatives
Dr. Ami Bera is third Indian-American ever to be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. The 45 years old Bera took a lead of 184 votes against Dan Lungren, the Republican rival from the seventh Congressional District of California. Before Bera, two Indians to be elected for the US House of Representatives include Dalip Singh Saund in the 1950s and Bobby Jindal was the House member before being elected to be the Governor of Louisiana from 2005 to 2008.
Except Dr. Bera, five more Indian-Americans namely Dr. Syed Taj, Dr. Manan Trivedi, Upendra Chivukula and Jack Uppala and Ricky Gill, were candidates, who lost from their seats in the US elections. Except Ricky Gill all the other four were from Democratic Party.
Dr. Syed Taj, who was a representative from Democratic Party, is the younger brother of Syed Shahbuddin and he basically belongs from Bihar. He lost in the tough fight against his opponent K Bentivolio from the seat of Michigan's 11th Congressional District.
Tulsi Gabbard-First Hindu-American to be in the House
Tulsi-Gabbard is the first Hindu-American to enter the U.S. House of Representatives. She defeated the Republican rival K. Crowley from the Hawaii seat in the one-sided contest. Tulsi doesn’t belong to the Indian Heritage and is not an Indian. She is a daughter to the Catholic Father Mike Gabbard, who at present is serving as the Senator from the Hawaii State and her mother Carol Porter Gabbard, who is a Hindu is an educator and a business owner in Hawaii.
Basic Facts
• Before Obama, Bill Clinton was the Democratic Party Representative to serve White House for continuous two terms after World War II.
• Obama is the first President after the wars to be re-elected in the office with an unemployment rate of 7.4 percent in the country.
• Obama in the last Presidential Elections of 2008 won 349 votes, which was higher than the votes he secured in the Presidential Elections of 2012.
History of US elections of 223 years: In the 223 years history of US Presidential Elections only eight Presidents contesting elections being in the White House lost the elections.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Review meeting of the E-9 Countries concluded in New Delhi
The three-day review meeting of Ministers of Education and heads of delegation of the E-9 countries comprising India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Nigeria and Mexico ended in New Delhi on 10 November 2012 with the adoption of the New Delhi Commitment. E-9 nations decided to expand their cooperation in Inclusive, Relevant Quality Education for All. It took stock of the progress towards the Education for All goals and to renew cooperation in consolidating the gains and addressing remaining challenges.
The member-states reaffirmed the central role of education in all development endeavours and in promoting peace and social cohesion. E-9 Countries decided to expand their cooperation in the area of Inclusive, Relevant Quality Education for All. They recognised relevance and equity as key dimensions of quality in their future efforts and resolved to address the same by making their education systems more flexible and responsive.
The E-9 Initiative, Background:
The E-9 Initiative was launched in 1993 at the EFA Summit of the Nine High-Population Countries in New Delhi, India. The “E” stands for education and the “9” represents the nine highly populated countries: Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria and Pakistan. Given that these countries were home not only to over half of the world’s population but also to more than 70 percent of the world’s adult illiterates, about two-third of whom are women and girls, and more than half of its out-of-school children, any significant progress made in these countries immediately would have positive impact on EFA. It was (and still is) rational to prioritise a group of highly populated countries for the attainment of EFA. The E-9 countries also face common challenges such as decentralization and quality assurance. Hence, the heads of E-9 countries signed the Delhi Declaration and showed their commitment to achieving EFA. Since that time, the E-9 Initiative has become a forum for these nine countries to discuss their experiences related to education, exchange best practices and monitor EFA-related progress. It has also become a powerful driver for EFA and South-South Cooperation.
Since the launch of the initiative, the E-9 countries have made significant socioeconomic progress. Mexico has become an OECD member, while China is now the second largest economy in the world. Brazil and India are also the top ten economies and expected to be the top five economies in the coming decades. Indonesia has also been growing fast and now is a G-20 country. In 1993, the E-9 countries accounted for only 16.5% of world’s nominal GDP. Now, they represent almost 30% of world’s nominal GDP. Some E-9 countries, such as Brazil, China, India and Mexico, have emerged as aid donors and are seen to exercise leadership not only in the E-9 Initiative but all aspects of EFA.
The E-9 countries have also made advancement in the six EFA goals. Between 1999 and 2009, the gross enrolment rate in pre-primary education increased. During the same period, the net enrolment rate in primary education improved from 84% to 89% as the number of out-of-primary school children within the E-9 countries was reduced from almost 50 million to less than 30 million between 1999 and 2009. Youth and adult literacy grew better from 85% to 89% and 76% to 79% respectively. The gender parity indices (the rate of girls to boys in school) ameliorated from 0.92 to 0.97 at the primary level and 0.96 to 0.97 at the secondary level. Two-thirds of the E-9 countries now have over a 90% net enrolment rate in primary education. Adult literacy rates are also above 90% in Brazil, China, Indonesia and Mexico.
Despite these positive outcomes, a number of problems remain to be tackled. The E-9 countries still represent two-thirds of the world’s illiterate adults and 42% of the world’s out-of-school children. Along with the quantity, the issue of the quality of education remains to be addressed: the vast majority of children do not receive quality instruction and leave school without acquiring basic skills in these countries due to a number of factors such as teacher development, curriculum and learning environment. Therefore, it is still essential to tackle educational problems of these countries for achieving EFA.
In order to accelerate efforts towards EFA, the E-9 countries work together primarily based on the action frameworks agreed upon during the biennial Ministerial Review Meetings. Since 1993, the Ministers of Education from the E-9 countries have held eight Ministerial Review Meetings to debate selected themes of common interest:
Event | Theme |
Eighth E-9 Ministerial Review Meeting Abuja, Nigeria, June 2010 | Literacy for development |
Seventh E-9 Ministerial Review Meeting Bali, Indonesia, March 2008 | Improvement of teacher education and training as a focus of educational system reform |
Sixth E-9 Ministerial Review Meeting Monterrey, Mexico, February 2006 | Assessment of quality in education |
Fifth E-9 Ministerial Review Meeting Cairo, Egypt, December 2003 | Early childhood care and education |
Fourth E-9 Ministerial Review Meeting Beijing, China, August 2001 | The role and use of distance education and information technologies in basic education |
Third E-9 Ministerial Review Meeting Recife, Brazil, January 2000 | E-9 countries 2000 EFA assessments: New avenues for action |
Second E-9 Ministerial Review Meeting Islamabad, Pakistan, September 1997 | Social and political mobilization |
First E-9 Ministerial Review Meeting Bali, Indonesia, September 1995 | From Delhi to Bali |
New Delhi Summit on EFA New Delhi, India, December 1993 | The Delhi Declaration and Framework for Action |
In addition to these regular conferences, the E-9 ministers meet and dialogue whenever there is an opportunity, such as during the annual EFA meetings and the sessions of UESCO’s General Conference.
In 2004, a Chair of the E-9 Initiative was established with the support of UNESCO in order to improve follow-up, coordination and continuity in-between meetings. The Chair has been held by Egypt, Mexico, Indonesia and, since 2010, Nigeria.
While the E-9 countries have ownership over activities pledged during the Ministerial Review Meetings, the rotational E-9 Chair, along with UNESCO Secretariat, takes leadership of coordination. UNESCO provides technical support and helps the E-9 countries review progress of the ongoing activities during occasions such as bimonthly meetings, teleconferences, senior official meetings and written reports.
During the last biennium, in light of insufficient gains towards EFA Goal 4 on adult literacy by 2015, the Government of Nigeria and UNESCO convened the Eighth Ministerial Review Meeting on EFA in Abuja, Nigeria (June 2010) focused on the theme of ‘Literacy for Development.’ The E-9 countries currently make efforts to implement the Abuja Framework for Action and Cooperation and periodically review their progress through meetings and teleconferences.
A number of activities within the framework have been launched or are in process, such as the Revitalizing Adult and Youth Literacy Programme by Nigeria, the International Seminar on Improving Female Literacy in Cooperation with Women NGOs by Indonesia and preparations for an International Conference on Literacy for Inclusive and Sustainable Development by India. In order to continue the momentum on these l activities and to ensure their achievement, a Senior Officials Meeting was hosted by Nigeria in December 2011.
The low quality of education, including that of literacy, has long been a key challenge facing EFA. While many countries have successfully enrolled millions of learners in schools, a significant majority of them are actually not learning, at least, not to levels commensurate to their educational attainment. The challenge persisits, and the EFA quality goals are dauntingly off track. Thus, addressing the issue of quality will be on the top of the future education agenda.
During the 36th General Conference of UNESCO in 2011, the E-9 Ministers Meeting reached a consensus that quality education, inclusive of everyone where the content is relevant to learners, is vitally important in all E-9 countries. In this context, the E-9 Meeting on Teacher Development for Inclusive Quality Education in New Delhi, India on 31 May 2012 was held to address the issue of insufficient quality of teaching.
The Ninth E-9 Ministerial Review Meeting will be held in New Delhi, India on 9-10 November 2012. The focus of this meeting will be “Inclusive, Relevant and Quality Education for All.” India will hold the Chair after the 2012 E-9 Ministerial Review Meeting.
UIS Statistics In Brief | ||||
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Schemes & Facilities for the Senior Citizens
A demographic
revolution is taking place throughout the world indicating a phenomenal rise in
the population of the elderly. According to a UN
estimate, the population of the people aged 60 years and above is expected to
grow to 1.2 billion by 2025 and to 2 billion by 2050. Today, about two thirds
of all the older people are living in the developing world. As per the Census
2001, in India, there were 77 million persons
above 60 years constituting 7.5% of the total population of the country. This
number is projected to go up to 12.4% of the population in 2026. Such an increase
obviously will throw up numerous challenges in designing old age specific
programmes and schemes and addressing their issues in a comprehensive manner.
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment announced a National
Policy for Older Persons in January,
1999. This policy reaffirmed the commitment of the Government to ensure
the well-being of the older persons in a holistic manner. The National Policy
for Older Persons essentially envisages support from the State to the older
persons to ensure their financial and food security, health care, the need for
shelter as well as other needs of the older persons, providing them an equitable
share in development, giving them protection against abuse and exploitation,
and ensuring the availability of services
to improve the quality of lives of the older persons.
Thirteen years
have elapsed since this policy was announced. Keeping in view the changing
demographic pattern, the socio-economic conditions and the technological development
in the country, the Government is in the process of bringing out a new National
Policy. The draft of the new policy is ready. The new Policy is expected to cover
a wider spectrum of the issues and challenges facing the elderly.
An institutional
mechanism has been put in place to monitor the implementation of the existing national
Policy for older persons and to
advise the Government regarding the formulation and implementation of the policy
and programmes for the aged through a National Council for Older
Persons, under the Chairmanship of the Minister of Social Justice &
Empowerment. The Council was
first constituted in the year 1999 for a period of five years. It was
reconstituted for another period of five years in the year 2005. However, the
composition of this Council was not comprehensive enough as it did not contain sufficient
members to maintain regional balance. Besides, it also did not include the
representatives of some of the Ministries/Departments dealing with issues
related to the senior citizens. With a
view to address these issues, the Council has been re-constituted and has now
been renamed as the National Council of Senior Citizens. A Resolution to this
effect has been issued in the Gazette of India (Extraordinary) on 22nd
February 2011.
The Parliament
enacted the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act in
December 2007, a landmark development. This Act has made the maintenance of parents and senior citizens by children, and where there
are no children, then by the relatives, obligatory and justiciable through
Tribunals. The Act has to be brought into force by the individual
State Governments. It is not applicable to the State of Jammu & Kashmir,
while Himachal Pradesh has its own Act, with the concerted efforts made by the
Ministry, all the States and UTs have been persuaded to bring the Act into
force in the respective States.
For the effective
implementation of the various provision of the Act, the States and UTs are
required to take further steps, such as framing Rules, appointing Maintenance
Officers, and constituting the Maintenance and Appellate Tribunals. As per
information available in the Ministry, 14 States and 5 UTs have taken all these
necessary steps.
The Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment is also implementing the
“Integrated Programme of Older Persons" since 1992 with a view to improve
the quality of life of older persons by providing basic amenities like shelter,
food, medical care, entertainment opportunities, etc. Under this Scheme,
financial assistance up to 90% is provided to Governments/Non-Governmental
Organizations/ Panchayati Raj Institutions/ local bodies etc. for running and maintaining old age homes, day care centres, mobile medicare units, day care centres for Alzheimer's disease/Dementia patients,
physiotherapy clinics for older persons, sensitization programmes for
children, particularly in schools and colleges, Regional Resource and Training
Centres, etc. About 350 NGOs are
being supported every year for running and maintaining around 550 projects.
In order to address the increasing demand for care
givers, the National
Institute of Social Defense (NISD), an autonomous body under the Ministry of
Social Justice and Empowerment, has been conducting One-Year, Six-Month and One-Month
Courses on Geriatric Care. Besides, the Institute also collaborates with
reputed institutions for organising short term training programmes for the
To ensure effective implementation of the policies and programmes of the
Ministry and also to augment the activities of the NISD, the Ministry presently
supports 3 Regional Resource Centres (RRTCs) namely, (i) Anugraha, New Delhi,
which caters to the requirements of the northern States, (ii) Nightingale
Medical Trust, Bangalore, which caters to the requirements of the southern
States, and (iii) Integrated Rural Development and Educational Organization
(IRDEO) which caters to the requirement of the north eastern States. These
RRTCs undertake (i) Training of functionaries of grantee organizations under
IPOP and monitor their work; (ii) Advocacy and awareness generation; (iii)
Liasion with the concerned State Governments in the field of old age care, with
specific reference to the implementation of the Maintenance and Welfare of
Parents & Senior Citizens Act, 2007, and the National Policy for Older
Persons, 1999 and the other programmes and interventions for the senior
citizens; (iv) Maintain a data-base of the institutions working in the field of
old age care; and (v) Research and such other functions as the Ministry
may assign from time to time.
The need of the
hour is to create a caring society, especially for the ageing population with
the help of representatives from the Central Ministries and Departments, the
State Governments, experts, academicians and many other stakeholders.
Friday, November 9, 2012
UN organizations
- Food and Agriculture Organization
- Director-General - José Graziano da Silva, Brazil (2012–present)
- International Atomic Energy Agency
- Director-General - Yukiya Amano, Japan (2009–present)
- International Civil Aviation Organization
- President of the Council - Roberto Kobeh Gonzalez, Mexico (2006–present)
- Secretary-General - Raymond Benjamin, France (2009–present)
- International Labour Organization
- Director-General - Guy Ryder, UK (MAY 2012–present)
- United Nations
- Secretary-General - Ban Ki Moon, South Korea (2007–present)
- President of the General Assembly - Nassir Al-Nasser, Qatar (2011–2012)
- Security Council members - China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States (permanent members); Colombia, Germany, India, Portugal, South Africa (elected for 2011–2012); Azerbaijan, Guatemala, Morocco, Pakistan, Togo (elected for 2012–2013)
- United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
- Executive Director - Anthony Lake, United States (2010–present)
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
- Director-General - Irina Bokova, Bulgaria (2009–present)
- United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
- High Commissioner - Navanethem Pillay, South Africa (2008–present)
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
- High Commissioner - António Guterres, Portugal (2005–present)
- United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
- Director-general - Kandeh Yumkella, Sierra Leone (2005–present)
- World Food Programme (WFP)
- Executive Director - Josette Sheeran, United States (2007–present)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- Director-General - Margaret Chan, China (acting) (2007–present)
- World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
- President - Alexander Bedritsky, Russia (2003–present)
- Secretary-General - Michel Jarraud, France (2004–present)
- World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
- Secretary-General - Taleb Rifai, Jordan (2010–present)
Political and economic organizations
- African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) -
- Secretary-General - Mohamed Ibn Chambas, Ghana (2010–present)
- African Union -
- Chairperson -
- Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, Equatorial Guinea (2011–2012)
- Yayi Boni, Benin, (2012–present)
- Chairperson of the Commission -
- Jean Ping, Gabon (2008–2012)
- Erastus Mwencha, Kenya (2012–present)
- President of the Pan-African Parliament - Idriss Ndele Moussa, Chad (2009–present)
- Chairperson -
- Andean Community -
- Secretary-General - Adalid Contreras Baspineiro (Bolivia), (2010–present)
- Arab League -
- Secretary-General - Nabil Elaraby, Egypt (2011–present)
- Arab Maghreb Union
- Secretary-General - Habib Ben Yahia, Tunisia (2006–present)
- Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
- Executive Director - Muhamad Noor, Malaysia (2010–present)
- Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) -
- Secretary-General - Surin Pitsuwan, Thailand (2008–present)
- Caribbean Community -
- Secretary-General - Lolita Applewhaite, Barbados (2011–present)
- Central American Parliament -
- President - Dorindo Cortéz, Panama (2010–present)
- Common Market of East and Southern Africa (COMESA) -
- Secretary-General - Sindiso Ngwenya, Zimbabwe (2008–present)
- Commonwealth of Nations -
- Head - Queen Elizabeth II (1952–present)
- Secretary-General - Kamalesh Sharma, India (2008–present)
- Commonwealth of Independent States
- Executive Secretary - Sergei Lebedev, Russia (2007–present)
- Council of Europe
- Secretary General - Thorbjørn Jagland, Norway (2009–present)
- President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) - Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Turkey (2010–present)
- President of the European Court of Human Rights - Jean-Paul Costa, France (2007–present)
- East African Community -
- Secretary-General - Richard Sezibera, Rwanda (2011–present)
- Economic Community of West African States
- President of the Commission - Victor Gbeho, Ghana (2010–present)
- Chairman -
- Goodluck Jonathan, Nigeria (2010–2012)
- Alassane Ouattara, Côte d'Ivoire (2012–present)
- Eurasian Economic Community
- Secretary-General - Tair Mansurov, Khazakstan (2007–present)
- Chairman of the Interstate Council - Nursultan Nazarbayev, Kazakhstan (2001–present)
- European Free Trade Association
- Secretary-General - Kåre Bryn, Norway (2006–present)
- European Union (EU)
- Presidency of the European Council - Herman Van Rompuy (2009–present)
- Presidency of the European Union Council
- Denmark (2012)
- President of the European Commission - José Manuel Barroso, Portugal (2004–present)
- President of the European Parliament - Jerzy Buzek, Poland (2010–present)
- Secretary-General of the Council and High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy - Catherine Ashton (2009–present)
- President of the European Central Bank - Mario Draghi, Italy (2011–present)
- European Ombudsman - Nikiforos Diamandouros, Greece (2003–present)
- President of the Committee of the Regions (CoR) - Peter Straub, Germany (2004–present)
- President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) - Werner Hoyer, Germany (2012–present)
- President of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) - Vassilios Skouris, Greece (2003–present)
- President of the European Court of Auditors - Hubert Weber, Austria (2005–present)
- President of the Economic and Social Committee (ESC) - Anne-Marie Sigmund, Austria (2004–present)
- Group of Eight (G8)
- President (informal) - Barack Obama, United States (2012)
- Gulf Cooperation Council
- Secretary-General - Abdul Rahman ibn Hamad al-Attiyah, Qatar (2002–present)
- Ibero-American Secretariat (Segib)
- Secretary-General - Enrique V. Iglesias, Uruguay (2005–present)
- Indian Ocean Commission
- Secretary-General - Monique Andreas Esoavekomandroso, Madagascar (2004–present)
- Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)
- Chairman - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran (2012-present)
- Nordic Council
- Secretary-General - Jan-Erik Enestam, Finland (2007–present)
- North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
- Secretary-General - Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Denmark (2009–present)
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
- Secretary-General - José Ángel Gurría, Mexico (2006–present)
- Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
- Secretary-General - Lamberto Zannier, Italy (2011–present)
- Chairman-in-Office - Audronius Ažubalis, Lithuania (2011–present)
- High Commissioner on National Minorities - Knut Vollebæk, Norway (2007–present)
- Organization of American States
- Secretary-General - José Miguel Insulza, Chile (2005–present)
- Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States
- Director-General - Len Ishmael, Saint Lucia (2003–present)
- Organisation of the Islamic Conference (from July 2011 known as the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation)
- Secretary-General - Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, Turkey (2005–present)
- Pacific Community
- Director-General - Jimmie Rodgers, Solomon Islands (2006–present)
- Pacific Islands Forum
- Secretary-General - Tuiloma Neroni Slade, Samoa (2008–present)
- Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)
- Secretary-General - Bolat Nurgaliyev, Kazakhistan (2007–present)
- South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
- Secretary-General - Ahmed Saleem, Maldives (2012–present)
- Southern Cone Common Market (Mercosur)
- Director of the Executive Secretariat - Agustín Colombo Sierra, Argentina (2009–present)
- Southern African Development Community
- Executive Secretary - Tomaz Salomão, Mozambique (2005–present)
- Union of South American Nations (Unasur/Unasul)
- President - Bharrat Jagdeo, Guyana (2010–present)
- Secretary-General -
- María Emma Mejía, Colombia (2011–2012)
- Alí Rodríguez Araque, Venezuela (2012–present)
- Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO)
- Secretary-General - Ngawang Choephel, Tibet (2010–present)
- World Trade Organization (WTO)
- Director-General - Pascal Lamy, France (2005–present)
Financial organizations
- African Development Bank -
- President - Donald Kaberuka, Rwanda (2005–present)
- Asian Development Bank -
- President - Haruhiko Kuroda, Japan (2005–present)
- European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- President - Thomas Mirow, Germany (2008–present)
- Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)
- President - Luis Alberto Moreno, Colombia (2005–present)
- International Monetary Fund
- Managing Director - Christine Lagarde, France (2011–present)
- Islamic Development Bank (IDB)
- President - Ahmad Mohamed Ali, Saudi Arabia (1975–present)
- World Bank
- President - Jim Yong Kim, Korea (June 2012 Onwards)
Sports organizations
- Asian Football Confederation (AFC)
- President - Zhang Jilong, China (2011–present)
- Confédération africaine de football (CAF)
- President - Issa Hayatou, Cameroon (1988–present)
- Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football (CONCACAF)
- President - Alfredo Hawit, Honduras (2011–present)
- Confederación Sudamericana de Fútbol (CONMEBOL)
- President - Nicolas Leoz, Paraguay (1986–present)
- Fédération Internationale des Échecs (FIDE)
- President - Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, Russian Federation (1995–present)
- Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)
- President - Sepp Blatter, Switzerland (1998–present)
- International Cricket Council (ICC)
- President - Alan Isaac, New Zeland (2012–present)
- International Olympic Committee (IOC)
- President - Jacques Rogge, Belgium (2001–present)
- International Paralympic Committee (IPC)
- President - Philip Craven, United Kingdom (2001–present)
- International Rugby Board (IRB)
- President - Syd Millar, Ireland (2003–present)
- Oceania Football Confederation (OFC)
- President - Reynald Temarii, Tahiti (2004–present)
- Union of European Football Associations (UEFA)
- President - Michel Platini, France (2007–present)
Other organizations
- Antarctic Treaty
- Executive Secretary - Jan Huber, Netherlands (2004–present)
- Colombo Plan -
- Secretary-General - Patricia Yoon-Moi Chia, Malaysia (2007–present)
- Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP)
- Executive Secretary -
- Domingos Simões Pereira, Guinea-Bissau (2008–2012)
- Murade Isaac Miguigy Murargy, Mozambique (2012–present)
- Executive Secretary -
- EDU - Intergovernmental Organization (EDU)
- Secretary-General - G.Irving Levance, (2011–present)
- La Francophonie
- Secretary-General - Abdou Diouf, Senegal (2003–present)
- Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)
- Executive Secretary - Mahboub Maalim, Kenya (2008–present)
- International Committee of the Red Cross
- President - Jakob Kellenberger, Switzerland (2000–present)
- International Court of Justice
- President - Hisashi Owada, Japan (2009–present)
- International Criminal Court
- President - Song Sang-Hyun, South Korea (2009–present)
- International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol)
- Secretary-General - Ronald Noble, United States (2000–present)
- President - Khoo Boon Hui, Singapore (2008–present)
- International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
- President - Tadateru Konoé, Japan (2009–present)
- International Maritime Organization
- Secretary-General - Efthimios E. Mitropoulos, Greece (2004–present)
- International Organization for Migration (IOM)
- Director-general - William Lacy Swing, United States (2008–present)
- International Telecommunication Union
- Secretary-General - Hamadoun Touré, Mali (2007–present)
- Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
- Director-General - Ahmet Üzümcü, Turkey (2010–present)
- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
- Secretary-General -
- Edmund Daukoru, Nigeria, acting (2006–present)
- Mohammed S. Barkindo, Nigeria, acting for Daukoru (2006–present)
- Secretary-General -
- Universal Postal Union
- Director-General - Édouard Dayan, France (2005–present)
- World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
- Director-General - Francis Gurry (2008–present)
MCQs about US Presidential Elections
1. When is the US Presidential Election Day 2012 ?
a) November 15
b) November 10
c) November 06
d) November 14
Answer: November 06
2. The Electoral College will formally elect President and Vice President of US on?
a) December 06, 2012
b) December 17, 2012
c) December 15, 2012
d) December 30, 2012
Answer: December 17, 2012
3. When will be the 113th congress sworn ?
a) December 14 , 2012
b) November 15 , 2012
c) January 16, 2013
d) January 3, 2013
Answer: January 3, 2013
4. Electoral Votes will formally be counted on ___________ before a joint session of Congress.
a) January 06, 2013
b) Janurary 10, 2013
c) December 06, 2012
d) December 30, 2012
Answer : January 6, 2013
5. Innauguration oath will be taken on _______ & the new presidential term will start this day?
a) January 13, 2013
b) January 06, 2013
c) January 20, 2013
d) January 15, 2013
Answer : January 20, 2013
6. When is the Innauguration Day of US Presidential Election?
a) January 14, 2013
b) January 07, 2013
c) January 21. 2013
d) January 16, 2013
Answer: January 21, 2013
7. Forward- 2012 U.S. Presidential slogan of?
a) Barack Obama
b) Mitt Romney
c) Ron Paul
d) Jill Stein
Answer: Barack Obama
8. Believe in America- 2012 U.S. Presidential slogan of?
a) Ron Paul
b) Jill Stein
c) Mitt Romney
d) Gary Johnson
Answer: Mitt Romney
9. Restore America Now- 2012 U.S. Presidential slogan of ?
a) Ron Paul
b) Jill Stein
c) Mitt Romney
d) Gary Johnson
Answer: Ron Paul
10. The People's President- is the campaign slogan of?
a) Ron Paul
b) Jill Stein
c) Mitt Romney
d) Gary Johnson
Answer:Gary Johnson
11. A Green New Deal for America- is the Official slogan of the ______________campaign.
a) Ron Paul
b) Jill Stein
c) Mitt Romney
d) Gary Johnson
Answer: Jill Stein
a) November 15
b) November 10
c) November 06
d) November 14
Answer: November 06
2. The Electoral College will formally elect President and Vice President of US on?
a) December 06, 2012
b) December 17, 2012
c) December 15, 2012
d) December 30, 2012
Answer: December 17, 2012
3. When will be the 113th congress sworn ?
a) December 14 , 2012
b) November 15 , 2012
c) January 16, 2013
d) January 3, 2013
Answer: January 3, 2013
4. Electoral Votes will formally be counted on ___________ before a joint session of Congress.
a) January 06, 2013
b) Janurary 10, 2013
c) December 06, 2012
d) December 30, 2012
Answer : January 6, 2013
5. Innauguration oath will be taken on _______ & the new presidential term will start this day?
a) January 13, 2013
b) January 06, 2013
c) January 20, 2013
d) January 15, 2013
Answer : January 20, 2013
6. When is the Innauguration Day of US Presidential Election?
a) January 14, 2013
b) January 07, 2013
c) January 21. 2013
d) January 16, 2013
Answer: January 21, 2013
7. Forward- 2012 U.S. Presidential slogan of?
a) Barack Obama
b) Mitt Romney
c) Ron Paul
d) Jill Stein
Answer: Barack Obama
8. Believe in America- 2012 U.S. Presidential slogan of?
a) Ron Paul
b) Jill Stein
c) Mitt Romney
d) Gary Johnson
Answer: Mitt Romney
9. Restore America Now- 2012 U.S. Presidential slogan of ?
a) Ron Paul
b) Jill Stein
c) Mitt Romney
d) Gary Johnson
Answer: Ron Paul
10. The People's President- is the campaign slogan of?
a) Ron Paul
b) Jill Stein
c) Mitt Romney
d) Gary Johnson
Answer:Gary Johnson
11. A Green New Deal for America- is the Official slogan of the ______________campaign.
a) Ron Paul
b) Jill Stein
c) Mitt Romney
d) Gary Johnson
Answer: Jill Stein
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Barack Obama Re-elected President of USA

President Barack Obama won re-election on 6 November 2012 overthrowing a severe challenge from Republican Mitt Romney resisting concerns over his handling of economy and anxiety over the future.
Obama secured 303 electoral college votes, well above the 270 required to win the presidency. Mr. Romney cornered 206 votes.
He was re-elected for a second term in the White House securing another four years in which he will try to fulfil the promise that greeted his election in 2008.
The victory of Barack Obama indicated the unchanging triumph of a new, 21st-century America: multiracial, multi-ethnic, global in outlook and moving beyond centuries of racial, sexual, marital and religious tradition.
Barack Obama is the America's first black president who had won the election by convincing voters to stick with him as he tries to reignite strong economic growth and recover from the worst recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Obama scored narrow wins in Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire - all states that Romney had contested - while the only swing state captured by Romney was North Carolina.
Pollsters were expecting a tie after the Presidential debates and surveys, but in the ultimate analysis Obama got over 300 votes but not anywhere near his 2008 score of 349.
The election of the President and the Vice President of the United States is an indirect vote in which citizens cast ballots for a slate of members of the U.S. Electoral College; these electors in turn directly elect the President and Vice President. Presidential elections occur quadrennially (once in four years) on Election Day, the Tuesday between November 2 and 8.
The process is regulated by a combination of both federal and state laws. Each state is allocated a number of Electoral College electors equal to the number of its Senators and Representatives in the U.S. Congress.Additionally, Washington, D.C. is given a number of electors equal to the number held by the smallest state U.S. territories are not represented in the Electoral College.
The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the United States of America. The first three Articles of the Constitution establish the rules and separate powers of the three branches of the federal government: a legislature, the bicameral Congress; an executive branch led by the President; and a federal judiciary headed by the Supreme Court.
The United States Congress is the bicameral legislature of the federal government of the United States, consisting of the Senate, its upper house(similar to Rajya sabha), and the House of Representatives, its lower house(similar to Lok sabha). Congress meets in the Capitol in Washington, D.C.
Hurricane Sandy hits U.S. Coast
Sandy developed from a tropical wave in the western Caribbean Sea on October 22, quickly strengthened and was upgraded to Tropical Storm Sandy six hours later. Sandy moved slowly northward toward the Greater Antilles and gradually intensified. On October 24, Sandy became a hurricane, made landfall near Kingston, Jamaica, a few hours later, re-emerged into the Caribbean Sea and strengthened into a Category 2 hurricane. On October 25, Sandy hit Cuba, then weakened to a to Category 1 hurricane. Early on October 26, Sandy moved through the Bahamas. On October 27, Sandy briefly weakened to a tropical storm and then restrengthened to a Category 1 hurricane. Early on October 29, Sandy curved north-northwest and then moved ashore near Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Storm Scales
A storm in the Atlantic is called a hurricane, in the Indian Ocean it is a cyclone, while around the Philippines and the Pacific Ocean it is known as a typhoon. While these three form over water, tornadoes (or twisters) form over land and are smaller in size and intensity. Though similar in many ways, hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons are measured on different scales. For hurricanes there is the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale. Depending upon wind speed, hurricanes are classified under Categories 1-5. For a storm to be called a Category 1 hurricane it has to have wind speeds ranging 119-153 kmph; 252 kmph and above are slotted under Category 5. India's Regional Specialised Meteorological Centre's classification of cyclone ranges from depression (51 kmph) to super cyclones (222 kmph).
The Tempest and Other Stories
Storms and imagination go hand in hand. Krishna fights storms sent by Indra. So does Odysseus in Homer's Odyssey. Shakespeare's plays are full of storms. Remember that wonderful scene in King Lear? Edgar Allan Poe ("A Descent into the Maelstrom") and Joseph Conrad (Typhoon) continue the tradition. The Perfect Storm by Sebastian Junger is a nuanced thriller.
But then storms are all about drama and devastation. And what better medium than films? John Ford filmed lashing waves and swaying palms for the climax of The Hurricane in a Hollywood sound stage. More effective were the billowing curtains and shattering windows in John Huston's classic noir Key Largo. Trouble the Water is a documentary worth repeated viewing.
Musicians weren't far behind. Check out Vivaldi's "Summer" (from The Four Seasons). For the black tee-and-distressed-jeans lot there is, of course, the Scorpions' "Rock you like a hurricane". And jholawallahs and meaning-seekers can tune into Bob Dylan and his "Hurricane".
The Naming Game
Until 1978, storms were only given women's names! But then US weathermen decided to become politically correct and so now we have men's names too attached to hurricanes. It's "Sandy season" now but watch out for Tony, Valerie and William. And next year the hurricane season will start with Andrea, Barry and Chantal.
Some That Made Waves:
Great Hurricane of 1780
Though exact figures are unavailable, it is considered to be the deadliest Atlantic hurricane. Between October 10 and 16, over 22,000 lives were lost in eastern Caribbean. Experts conjecture that it was a Category 5 hurricane with speed touching 320 kmph.
Galveston Hurricane
Now forgotten, this Category 4 hurricane nearly wiped out Galveston, Texas' biggest city then. With wind speed touching 233 kmph, it slammed southern US on September 8, 1900. The toll is estimated to be 8,000 fatalities. It is considered to be the most deadly hurricane to strike the US.
Cyclone Bhola
Probably the worst tropical cyclone ever, with reports of nearly half a million deaths in Bangladesh. With wind speed crossing 200 kmph and storm surges of 30 feet, the cyclone caused extensive flooding. It came after five earlier storms had hit the country that year, 1970.
Andhra Pradesh Cyclone
One of the worst cyclones to hit the Indian coast. Touched the Andhra shore line on November 19, 1977 and left in its wake nearly 15,000 dead and damages worth $500 million.
Hurricane Mitch
One of the strongest to hit Honduras and Nicaragua, Mitch brought along torrential rain that caused flooding and mudslides. For over 10 days in October-November 1998, it caused havoc, leaving over 10,000 dead, many thousands missing. Damage was estimated at $6 billion.
Hurricane Katrina
The deadliest and most destructive storm in the 2005 hurricane season. It is also the costliest natural disaster in the US. Over a million people were displaced and 1,800 killed as the Category 5 hurricane hit Louisiana and Mississippi on August 25.
Cyclone Nargis
Hit Myanmar on May 2, 2008. Considered to be the country's worst natural disaster; caused damages worth $10 billion and nearly 150,000 deaths.
Hurricane Ike
In 14 days (September 1-14, 2008), this Category 4 hurricane left large swathes in Cuba, Haiti, Bahamas and US devastated. Close to 200 people died and damages have been estimated to be close to $40 billion. It is considered to be the second costliest hurricane to hit the US.
Cyclone Nilam
Cyclonic Storm Nilam was worst tropical cyclone to directly affect south India since Cyclone Jal in 2010.
Originating from an area of low pressure over the Bay of Bengal on
October 28, the system began as a weak depression 550 km (340 mi)
east-northeast of Trincomalee, Sri Lanka.
Over the following few days, the depression gradually intensified into a
deep depression, and subsequently a Cyclonic Storm by October 30. It
made landfall near Mahabalipuram on October 31 as a strong Cyclonic Storm with peak winds of 45 knots (85 km/h).
The cyclonic storm Nilam that has hit the eastern coast of India was christened as ‘Nilam’ by Pakistan as per the cyclone naming procedure.
Tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea are being named since 2004. 'Nilam' means land in Hindi.
According to an IMD release,“The practice of naming storms was adopted because it was proved that short names are easier to remember than numbers and other technical terms.”
The cyclonic storm Nilam that has hit the eastern coast of India was christened as ‘Nilam’ by Pakistan as per the cyclone naming procedure.
Tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea are being named since 2004. 'Nilam' means land in Hindi.
According to an IMD release,“The practice of naming storms was adopted because it was proved that short names are easier to remember than numbers and other technical terms.”
(Indian Meteorological Dept) has the mandate to provide weather
advisories to seven countries -- Bangladesh, the Maldives, Myanmar,
Oman, Pakistan, Thailand and Sri Lanka besides India.
The IMD says the practice of naming storms (tropical cyclones) was
adopted years ago to help identify them so that people could be informed
about their arrival quickly.
This decision, to give names to the cyclones that form over the
North Indian Ocean region, was taken unanimously by eight countries —
Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Myanmar, Oman, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and
Thailand — in the year 2000.
IMD has list of 64 names contributed by eight countries of the
Indian sub continent-- Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Myanmar, Oman,
Pakistan, Thailand and Sri Lanka.
While India gave names like Agni, Akash, Bijli, Jal, Lehar, Megh,
Sagar, Vayu; Bangladesh gave Onil, Ogni, Nisha, Giri; Maldives gave
Goni; Myanmar gave Pyarr, Phyan, Thane; Oman gave – Baaz, Sidr,
Murjan; Pakistan gave Fanoos, Nargis, Laila, Nilam, Nilofar; Sri Lanka
gave Mala, Rashmi, Bandu, Priya and Thailand gave Mukda, Phet.
Each country gave eight names for the cyclones. Thus a list of 64
names was prepared. It was also decided that the 8 countries will take
turns to name the cyclones.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
INSPECTOR OF FACTORIES (Notification No. 02/2012) KEY
Key for Notification No. 02/2012, INSPECTOR OF FACTORIES :: Paper-1
500 - G.S. & M.A.
Key for Notification No. 02/2012, INSPECTOR OF FACTORIES :: Paper-2 SERIES: A 511 - MECHANICAL ENGG
Key for Notification No. 02/2012, INSPECTOR OF FACTORIES :: Paper-2 SERIES: A 512 - ELECTRICAL ENGG
Key for Notification No. 02/2012, INSPECTOR OF FACTORIES :: Paper-2 SERIES: A 513 - CHEMICAL ENGG.
Key for Notification No. 02/2012, INSPECTOR OF FACTORIES :: Paper-2 SERIES: A 514 - INDUSTRIAL ENGG.
Key for Notification No. 02/2012, INSPECTOR OF FACTORIES :: Paper-2 SERIES: A 511 - MECHANICAL ENGG
Key for Notification No. 02/2012, INSPECTOR OF FACTORIES :: Paper-2 SERIES: A 512 - ELECTRICAL ENGG
Key for Notification No. 02/2012, INSPECTOR OF FACTORIES :: Paper-2 SERIES: A 513 - CHEMICAL ENGG.
Key for Notification No. 02/2012, INSPECTOR OF FACTORIES :: Paper-2 SERIES: A 514 - INDUSTRIAL ENGG.
Key for Notification No. 03/2012, ASST.DIRECTOR LIFE INSURANCE Paper-1
500 - G.S. & M.A.
Key for Notification No. 03/2012, ASST.DIRECTOR LIFE INSURANCE :: Paper-2 SERIES: A 055 - MATHEMATICS
Key for Notification No. 03/2012, ASST.DIRECTOR LIFE INSURANCE (03/2012) :: Paper-2 SERIES: A 054 - COMMERCE
Key for Notification No. 03/2012, ASST.DIRECTOR LIFE INSURANCE :: Paper-2 SERIES: A 053 - ECONOMICS
Key for Notification No. 03/2012, ASST.DIRECTOR LIFE INSURANCE :: Paper-2 SERIES: A 055 - MATHEMATICS
Key for Notification No. 03/2012, ASST.DIRECTOR LIFE INSURANCE (03/2012) :: Paper-2 SERIES: A 054 - COMMERCE
Key for Notification No. 03/2012, ASST.DIRECTOR LIFE INSURANCE :: Paper-2 SERIES: A 053 - ECONOMICS
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Saturday, November 3, 2012
NTRO station set up in Chhattisgarh
The country’s
specialised spy department, NTRO has set up its first base in a in
Chhattisgarh. The station can monitor the movement of armed Maoist
cadres and fly ten Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to help security
forces to track them.
This key project has been operationalised with the establishment of five satellite-linked terminal stations at a designated location in the state by the National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO) with the help of paramilitary CRPF. Sources involved in the technical department of the base station said CRPF has now linked the operations of its ten UAVs with the new NTRO facility which will function round-the-clock. The NTRO station will act as a gateway for acquiring satellite data and pass them on to ground patrol parties. The UAVs can then be operated in specified areas.
This key project has been operationalised with the establishment of five satellite-linked terminal stations at a designated location in the state by the National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO) with the help of paramilitary CRPF. Sources involved in the technical department of the base station said CRPF has now linked the operations of its ten UAVs with the new NTRO facility which will function round-the-clock. The NTRO station will act as a gateway for acquiring satellite data and pass them on to ground patrol parties. The UAVs can then be operated in specified areas.
The centre also has the facility to analyse information about geographical features, weather, available troop reinforcements and logistics before the on-field commanders undertake an operation, they said. The facility, which is manned by NTRO-trained CRPF ’Signals’ officials, will also share intelligence and geographical information with the NTRO headquarter in Delhi.
The activation of the five V-SAT terminals for NTRO is expected to provide an edge to security force operations in difficult terrains where Maoist ambushes and IED blasts are a major threat to the troops. The UAVs can be given real time satellite information through the centre.
The National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO) is a premier apex scientific organization under the National Security Advisor in the Prime Minister's Office, India. It was set up in 2004. It also includes National Institute of Cryptology Research and Development (NICRD), which is first of its kind in Asia.
The National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO), originally known as the National Technical Facilities Organization (NTFO), is a highly specialized technical intelligence gathering agency. While the agency does not affect the working of technical wings of various intelligence agencies, including those of the Indian Armed Forces, it acts as a super-feeder agency for providing technical intelligence to other agencies on internal and external security. The agency is under the control of India's external intelligence agency, Research and Analysis Wing, although it remains autonomous to some degree. The organization does hi-tech surveillance jobs, including satellite monitoring, terrestrial monitoring, internet monitoring, considered vital for the national security apparatus. The NTRO would require over Rs 700 crore (7 billion rupees) to procure different hi-tech equipment from specialized agencies around the globe to become fully functional. The officials have identified countries from where such gadgets could be procured but refused to reveal them due to "security and other implications." The Government had been working in this direction after the Kargil war in 1999 when the Subrahmanyam committee report pointed out weaknesses in intelligence gathering in the national security set up.
The organization develops technology capabilities in aviation and remote sensing, data gathering and processing, cyber security, cryptology systems, strategic hardware and software development and strategic monitoring.
The Indian Infrastructure Protection Centre, an agency to monitor and assess threats to crucial infrastructure and other vital installations has also been set up under the National Technical Research Organisation. The Technology Experiment Satellite (TES) has a pan chromatic camera for remote sensing. The camera is which is capable of producing images of 1 Metre resolution. 1 m resolution means the camera is able to distinguish between two objects which are separated at least a metre. The launch of TES made India the second country in the world after the USA that commercially offers images with one metre resolution. It is used for remote sensing of civilian areas, mapping industry and geographical information services.
NTRO along with a scientific non-profit foundation Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) in November 2011 initiated the National Security Database (NSD) project as a prestigious accreditation program to identify credible & trustworthy Information security experts with proven skills to protect the National Critical Infrastructure & economy of the country.
12th Council of Ministers Meeting, 02 November 2012, Gurgaon, India
The Indian Ocean Rim-Association for Regional Cooperation (IOR-ARC), initially known as the Indian Ocean Rim Initiative, is an international organization with 19 member states. It was first established in Mauritius on March 1995.
China introduces new stealth aircraft
China has unveiled its new version of stealth
aircraft,J31.By such a move china will have an undue advantage in the
region.China's second stealth fighter jet that was unveiled this week is
part of a programme to transform China into the top regional military
China's previous stealth fighter, the J-20, is a heavier aircraft and believed to be less manoeuvrable than the J-31.The buildup is a worry for neighbours which are uneasy with China flexing its military muscle, especially in territorial disputes with Japan in the East China Sea ,Vietnam and the Philippines in the South China Sea,India etc.
Stealth technology:
Stealth technology also termed LO technology (low observable technology) is a sub-discipline of military tactics and passive electronic countermeasures,which cover a range of techniques used with personnel, aircraft, ships, submarines, and missiles, to make them less visible (ideally invisible) to radar, infrared,sonar and other detection methods.
China's previous stealth fighter, the J-20, is a heavier aircraft and believed to be less manoeuvrable than the J-31.The buildup is a worry for neighbours which are uneasy with China flexing its military muscle, especially in territorial disputes with Japan in the East China Sea ,Vietnam and the Philippines in the South China Sea,India etc.
Stealth technology:
Stealth technology also termed LO technology (low observable technology) is a sub-discipline of military tactics and passive electronic countermeasures,which cover a range of techniques used with personnel, aircraft, ships, submarines, and missiles, to make them less visible (ideally invisible) to radar, infrared,sonar and other detection methods.
Friday, November 2, 2012
GROUP-II Serives Recruitment Notification No. 11/2009 TO 38/2008 Selection List
On the basis of the results of the Written Test held on 15/10/2011 AN & 16/10/2011 FN & AN and Oral Test (Interview) held on 03/03/2012 to 03/04/2012 for the recruitment to the Executive posts falling under Group-II Services, the candidates, whose Register Numbers are given below have been provisionally selected for appointment to the Executive posts notified vide Commission’s notification No. 38/2008 & 11/2009.
Selection List for Notification No. 11/2009 TO 38/2008 , GROUP-II SERVICES RECRUITMENT
Selection List for Notification No. 11/2009 TO 38/2008 , GROUP-II SERVICES RECRUITMENT
Aishwarya Rai to be conferred French honour
This prestigious distinction comes in recognition of her invaluable contribution to the world of cinema and the development of Indo-French cooperation in cinema, art, and culture.
Earlier Indian recipients include Shahrukh Khan, Raghu Rai, Nandita Das, late Habib Tanvir, and Upamanyu Chatterjee.
Recipient of several Indian film awards, she was also the youngest Indian actress to receive the Padma Shri in 2009. She starred in the film Devdas in 2002, which was an official selection at the Cannes Film Festival and the most successful Indian movie in France. She was also the first Indian actress to be a jury member at Cannes.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
is home to almost 19% of the world’s children. More than one third of
the country’s population, around 440 million, is below 18 years. The
future and strength of the nation lies in a healthy, protected, educated
and well-developed child population that will grow up to be productive
citizens of the country. It is alarming that, in 2011, the Crimes
against children reported a 24% increase from the previous year with a
total of 33,098 cases of crimes against Children reported in the country
during 2011 as compared to 26,694 cases during 2010. The State of Uttar
Pradesh accounted for 16.6% of total crimes against children at
national level in 2011, followed by Madhya Pradesh (13.2%), Delhi
(12.8%), Maharashtra (10.2%), Bihar (6.7%) and Andhra Pradesh (6.7%).
Thus there is an urgent case for increasing expenditure on child protection. so that the rights of the children of India are protected. The neglect of child protection issues not only violates the rights of the children but also increases their vulnerability to abuse, neglect and exploitation. GOI has launched the Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) aimed at building a protective environment for children in difficult circumstances, as well as other vulnerable children, through Government-Civil Society Partnership. Objectives of the scheme are: a) To create a safety net for children in need of care and protection and children in conflict with law by building a protective environment for them, keeping their best interests in mind; b) To promote preventive measures to protect children from falling in the situations of vulnerability, risk and abuse; c) To promote preventive measure to address the vulnerabilities of families and build their ability and capacity protect their children; d) To supplement and strengthen the infrastructure established under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act 2000; e) To build capacities of families, communities, and NGOs to strengthen care, protection and response to children; f) To create State and District Child Protection Units as well as State Adoption Cells; g) To promote in-country adoption and regulate inter-country adoption as well as ensure minimum standards; h) To provide services to the more vulnerable categories of children through specialized programmes; i) To establish linkages for restoration of children to their biological families and placement with adoptive families or foster families, where necessary; j) To provide specialized institutional care to infants and children up to 6 years of age who are either abandoned or orphaned/destitute; k) To check and end female foeticide and infanticide in the country; l) To provide services to street and destitute children, including child beggars; m) To provide for care and support services for children affected by HIV/AIDS; n) To establish CHILDLINE in every district, for creating access in emergencies by providing counseling, restoration and rehabilitative services to children along with linkages to other available services under various schemes of the Government of India/State Governments; o) To train and sensitize local bodies, police, judiciary and other concerned departments of State Governments to undertake related responsibilities; p) To strengthen the knowledge base by undertaking research and documentation, resource mapping of services, the creation of a Management Information System (MIS) for tracking vulnerable children, and database management; q) To carry out advocacy and spread awareness about child and family-related issues for supporting the family; r) To network with the Allied Systems i.e. Government departments and Non-Government agencies; s) To initiate any other need-based specialized innovative services through families, community and panchayats/local bodies, including child guidance and counseling especially to combat drug abuse, sexual abuse, child marriage, and discrimination against the girl child. |
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